Forest Therapy Walks


Open your senses.

In the world of the artificial - buildings, machines, technology - we all spend a lot of time in our heads. That’s fine, but we need to balance all that mental effort with some time to get away from mediated experience and just get real. Soak up the natural forest environment through all your senses - it does a body good!


Slow down.

In our fast paced, day to day life, we jump from one thing to the next. In Threshold Forest, you can slow down and take time to notice the natural world all around you. Experience the scientifically proven health benefits of connecting with the natural forest environment.


Connect with life.

Once your senses are alert and you don’t have to worry about what needs to get done, you are free to connect. Connect with the forest. Connect with yourself. Connect with those you care about.

Our Forest Therapy Guide, Ted, is Certified by the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy.

Official ANFT Certificate

Official ANFT Certificate